Best Friends Animal Sanctuary also offers one of the most spectacular views of the local region from its cafeteria, which offers a huge vegetarian feast every day for $3-$5.00. Tours are free but animal lovers: Beware - You May Not Be Able To Leave Without A New Animal Family Member! Our little dog Snuffles is a puppy mill rescue from Best Friends and we love her, our guests say they do too!
Animal Lovers - A Must See. Best Friends is exactly that, a Best Friend for over 2,000 (count the zeroes) animals ranging from birds to dogs,cats, horses, pigs, rabbits and a few other animals (pot belly pigs actually receive spa treatment, miniature horses coming from a bad background receive reviving water's amazing) . It's the last place of possible refuge and treatment for most of these animals, an amazing place where they receive state of the art attention and wait for possible adoption. Really, a place of dreams where truly challenged animals do receive a second chance at rehabilitation and adoption or - if needs be, a safe "always" home. This amazing place is minutes away from Savage Point and well worth the free tour they offer. "Dog Town" was the subject for the popular National Geographic series of that title; Cat World, Wild Friends, Feathered Friends, Horse Haven and other special areas wait for your visit and possible volunteer attentions.There really is no other place in the nation that offers such an exceptional animal experience. The tour does allow time inside different animal areas so you can get and give some pet friendly attention.
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary also offers one of the most spectacular views of the local region from its cafeteria, which offers a huge vegetarian feast every day for $3-$5.00. Tours are free but animal lovers: Beware - You May Not Be Able To Leave Without A New Animal Family Member! Our little dog Snuffles is a puppy mill rescue from Best Friends and we love her, our guests say they do too!
THE AMAZING "WAVE" - One of the Worlds Best Hikes
The Wave, located in the Coyote Buttes region of the Paria Canyon-Vermillion Cliffs Wilderness on the southern Utah/Arizona border is deservedly well- known as one of the most spectacular hikes the Southwest has to offer. I could add countless superlatives describing how unusual, colorful, spectacular, unforgettable it is but other writers and photographers have already done that. I'll just say that it is a must see for anyone who wants to lose themselves in a quiet, very private place of extraordinary natural beauty (one of many websites displaying photos of The Wave is Swirled bands of red,pink, yellow and green rock cut into a sandstone mountain have been eroded into curious and fantastic shapes. As the light of day changes the gallery of unworldly rock formations change as well - smooth chutes and jutting columns of multi-colored rock change in intensity. The Wave could also be called The Glide since many of its formations sweep up and down like sleds before jutting out onto small, private sized ledges with remarkable views. The hike itself is only a moderately challenging 5.5 miles but expect to spend time exploring and quietly wandering through the surprising landscape. To me, the landscape is like a tiger skin in all its bold stripes with extra colors of green and pink thrown in for additional dramatic effect. And despite being rock, the environment somehow feels alive with all that energy of color and enticing rock formations to discover and gape at. The Trailhead that leads you to The Wave is also the starting point for another distinctive site, Buckskin Gulch. Buckskin Gulch is known as one of the world's longest slot canyons. This is a win-win that takes you slightly off the usual tourist track of discovery.(Also check: But be aware. Because of the precious and delicate nature of The Wave the overseeing agency, the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) only issues 20 permits a day. These permits are usually applied for online months & months in advance. Since you probably weren't aware of or able to plan that far ahead Savage Point B&B offers another option for getting you into The Wave. The BLM Office located here in Kanab, minutes from our B&B, offers a morning lottery for potential next day visitations to The Wave. Competition, depending on the time of year, is fairly strong but after a day or two of perseverance most of our guests have gained their permits. Wanna-be applicants arrive at the office early morning and take their chance, we'll send you off to the Applicatons Office after a good breakfast and with our best wishes - which often seem to work. I hiked The Wave on New Year’s Day with my little dog and it was – The Wave. Truly a unique spot on earth. Many guests visit Antelope Canyon, a slot canyon we also suggest visiting but...I personally believe The Wave is a 10 Point Plus Factor on even Antelope Canyon, even if it does present a challenge for gaining that permit. We highly recommend it as an amazing place and a truly unique part of the astounding and always surprising Southwest landscape. And, remind you that your best chance of gaining a permit is from Kanab while staying at our comfortable B&B. Welcome to Kanab, Utah.
Kanab really is the doorway, the sweet spot for exploration into many of the most fantastic and unique places on the planet, certainly in the US. It is undeniably special, and you’ll see from the Attractions page on our site just a short (very short) listing of how many are close to Savage Point B&B. So far every guest we’ve had Italian/ French/ Spanish/English/ Australian/ Russian/ Canadian/ Belgian/ New Zealanders/Americans have all shared a similar sentiment – we needed more time, this is the most remarkable of places deserving much greater exploration. Just yesterday our Australian guest, Rosie, took over 600 photos at Bryce Canyon! And Kanab itself? Your potential nest for the night? We have our own interesting in-town attractions as well as being the best portal into the greatest National Parks and Public Lands. For visitors, it’s a double win –come to a truly sincere little Pioneer Western town and enjoy (the Tourism Board claims exactly 107 attractions, I’d add a few more) the full experience of being in a unique corner of the American Southwest. Where else could you go for the nation’s largest Cowboy Poetry Rodeo – a very serious annual competition that has the wanna-be winners chewing their mustaches or stompin’ their boots before they stand up before the crowd with the carrot of large prize money in their minds. ‘Kanab’ means ‘place of the willows’ in Paiute so the waters of Kanab Creek drew in pre-historic Native cultures and may yet hold a clue to local Indian cultures connecting them with even more ancient Mezo-American cultures. Kane County is well known for its slot canyons and ancient Indian Rock Art. Over 300 of the major American Western Films were produced here, we are known as The Little Hollywood of the West and every Monday night the local theatre shows a classic Western for two dollars. A local photographer with many decades of experience will take visitors for a full-day photographic tour into spectacular and lesser known slot canyons where ordinary tourists won’t be found. Find home-grown and helpful experience stopping by the Willow Canyon Bookstore & Outdoor-Sports Café – sit down to an expresso and ask all your questions about hiking through the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and our other close sites. Upcoming blog articles will tell you much more about the greater and lesser known regional sites as well as our own comfy, convenient guest room with breakfast from fruits of our own garden and/or fresh eggs from a local rancher and all the other special stuff here waiting for you. A stream of recommendations for your visit, book list on Western history, anecdotes on High Desert Natural History & tips on photography are upcoming – keep checking in and commenting on your greatest interests so we can respond. For now, Laurel / Russell & that little dog Snuffles
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AuthorLaurel is an avid writer/artist, loves history and cultural exploration - and sharing the high desert of the SW with guests visiting Savage Point B&B. Archives
July 2014