Doggie needs to tell you how seriously I take my responsibilities. Every morning I rush out into our splendid garden (eat my breakfast with carrots - good treats), and hurry to the window of the Guest Room. Woof, it is my duty to wake guests and get them off their pillows to find me in their window! All is sunshine and happiness when a smart dog is waiting to tell you how wonderful you are, and how much I want you to have a good day!
I used to be afraid of cameras, and people. Now I love 'em all! Mistress says guests from over 30 countries have photographed me - in their guest room window! Doesn't it make a little puppy mill dog proud!!
Thank-you Emilie, for this photo. I loved kissing your face and will do my best Shake & Twist when we play today!
Best for now, Dosha Doggie Snuffles
I used to be afraid of cameras, and people. Now I love 'em all! Mistress says guests from over 30 countries have photographed me - in their guest room window! Doesn't it make a little puppy mill dog proud!!
Thank-you Emilie, for this photo. I loved kissing your face and will do my best Shake & Twist when we play today!
Best for now, Dosha Doggie Snuffles